
What is the 16 Days of Activism?

An annual international initiative started by the Women’s Global Leadership Institute in 1991. It runs from the 25th of November (International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women) to the 10th of December (Human Rights Day). 

The 16 Days of Activism is designed to unite individuals and organisations around the world to raise awareness and take action by challenging the attitudes that perpetuate and normalise gender-based violence.

Gender-based violence (GBV) is defined as “harmful acts directed at an individual or a group of people based on their gender”. It is rooted in gender inequality, the abuse of power and harmful norms and stereotypes. 

Gender-based violence affects women and girls and disproportionately affects women with disabilities, young women, First Nations women, women from refugee and migrant backgrounds and people from LGBTQI communities.  

The Let’s Chat Gippsland campaign focuses on the things we can all do to end violence against women and girls. 

For more information click here 

Why is this important?

As Gippslanders, we all want to feel safe and valued for what we contribute to society. We want our homes, schools, workplaces, sports clubs, pubs and churches to be places where everyone feels safe. 

Our community is not safe for everyone. Gender-based violence is widespread and is likely to be affecting someone you know. 

Gender-based violence exists in every community across Gippsland, with much of it going unreported or unseen. 

  • In Australia, 1 in 6 women since the age of 15 have experienced physical and or/sexual violence from a partner they were living with*. 
  • Around 95% of all victims of violence (both male and female) reported experiencing acts of violence – physical or sexual assault, or threats – from a male perpetrator** 

Gippsland has high levels of violence against women and girls due to a range of intersecting cultural and social factors, that include gender inequality. Research has shown that one of the main drivers of violence against women is gender inequality. You can learn more hereor take a look at the video Change the Story. This video is also available in Dari, Hazaragi, Hindi, Punjabi and Tamil via this link.

To hear from women with disabilities about their experiences of gender inequality and violence you can watch this video. 

You can hear from women from refugee and migrant communities here. 

To learn more about solutions to violence against women and girls in Aboriginal communities you can watch this video. 

*Source: Family, domestic and sexual violence in Australia, 2018, Summary – Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (aihw.gov.au). 
 ** Source: (ABS, 2013) 4906.0 – Personal Safety, Australia, 2012 (abs.gov.au). 

What do we hope to achieve?

We want to make sure that everyone in Gippsland understands what the 16 Days of Activism is about and how they can get involved. 

We know that conversations can have the potential to influence attitudes, beliefs and behaviours. 

Let’s Chat Gippsland has been designed to invite the community to be involved in conversations where they are able to learn more, challenging their existing beliefs and ask questions to better their understanding. 

The theme for Let’s Chat Gippsland is conversations to create change. The campaign will support people to discover evidence-based actions they can take to help prevent violence against women and girls. These actions are: 

  • Challenge the condoning (excusing or tolerating) of violence against women. 
  • Promote women’s independence and decision making 
  • Challenge gender stereotypes and roles 
  • Strengthen positive, equal and respectful relationships 
  • Normalise gender equality in public and private life 


Check out these tip sheets for more information. 

Let’s Chat Gippsland is a campaign which aims to support people to have important conversations about gender equality and respect in relationships.

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    Please note that this email is not monitored daily. If you need help and it’s an emergency, call 000. Otherwise contact Safe Steps on 1800 015 188 or Gippsland Centre Against Sexual Assault on 1800 806 292.