‘Let’s Chat for Change’ – Funded by Respect Victoria and their 16 Days of Activism grassroots initiative. The film features prominent local leaders in our community showcasing their gender equity and violence prevention initiatives. Thank you to our grant consortium partners who helped make this project happen: Bass Coast Shire Council, Latrobe Health Assembly and South Gippsland Shire Council and filmmaker Ash Ball from PEOPLEWho. Other participants include leaders from Quantum Support Services, Bass Coast Shire Council, Mirboo North & District Community Foundation, Latrobe Health Assembly, South Gippsland Shire Council, East Gippsland Shire Council and Wellington Shire Council. This film will be screened at events across Gippsland and on-line throughout the Let’s Chat campaign.
This video shows the similar and differing drivers of violence that impact LGBTIQ+ people.
Stories of Respect
Stories of Respect showcases the stories of Victorians who are taking steps towards equality in their communities, relationships, families and workplaces. Their stories touch on what it means to be a man, the role that respect plays in relationships, and how both men and women benefit from breaking down stereotypes about gender that can hold people back. For more information, visit: https://tinyurl.com/dxe748yy